Saturday, July 30, 2011

I will chant my Mantra; Patience is a Virtue.

Three months after my last, optimistic entry, we are finally poised on the cusp of departure.

Well, we've been poised for some time now-  it's like teetering on the end of a diving board.  Almost there, but not...quite.

We have continued to sing the litany of small things breaking and getting repaired, replacing old with newer and better and just getting those darn ducks lined up in a row.

At present, our hold-up is the air conditioners.  We wanted them serviced before hitting the heat of Texas, so we trundled Maya down to the HVAC/AC shop and left her there.  And left her there.

Not for the day or two we thought it would be, but a week.  10 days.  2 weeks.  Is it sheer inefficiency on the part of the technician or it is truly that hard to get replacement parts for our 20th century vintage air conditioners?